Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's good.

Today I looked up the word “content.”
Content (kənˈtɛnt) -adj
1. Mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are
2. Assenting to or willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action, etc.
Based on this definition I haven't been content for a long time. My life's circumstances and course of action have not been dictated by me, (hahaha!!) and in the ways I desire, therefore I've been restless.

Slowly, however, over the last month I have begun to transition into a new form of contentment. I am changing things up. Breaking some routines. Finding new niches. Doing. Living. Enjoying. Resting. Trusting.

It's good.

I am on the return trip home.


  1. YAY! Fresh starts...yes.
    looking forward to the retreat!

  2. HOME!! Oh, I guess you don't mean HOME, HERE! :( Oh Well! Contentment IS where You find it!! :)
    We can be "Home Away From Home!! Love You!! <3 Mom
