It's been a while since I have written anything. When I began this blog I promised myself that I wouldn't write unless I felt inspiration of some kind.
I don't want to force anything.
Forcing things never tends to work out for the best.
So... “You're writing something now. What is your inspiration today?” you ask.
Well, it's simple, somewhat silly, and possibly even a little strange to some of you, but it's something I've been thinking quite a bit about this last week...
I'm going to learn Tai Chi.
Yes. Yes, I am.
I work in the school system. For reasons that make sense to the “powers that be” but not to those of us on the ground and in the classrooms, the county I work in has chosen Chinese as it's foreign language. For the past two years they have been trying to teach our kids Mandarin Chinese. The kids are not crazy fond of it because it is extremely difficult and our Chinese teachers accents are SO thick that no one can understand them. They are precious and wonderful and the kids enjoy them, and saying “Nee How” (hello) to each other in the halls, but really, I think they have learned to count to ten, sing a few songs, and write a few characters. It's an interesting thing. Really, it is.
BUT... there has been some cool stuff that's come from it. The school that I work in is the largest Special Ed based elementary school in our county. We have typically developing kids alongside every kind of special need you can think of; deaf and hard of hearing, Autism, Aspergers, Down's Syndrome, Developmentally Delayed, Handicapped, Learning Disabilities, Severe Disabilities, an Intensive Day Program, and more. The kids at our school know how to welcome everyone, befriend many, and have no fear of people who are different from themselves. So, when Chinese culture became a part of our school it was just one more thing that encouraged inclusion and acceptance and knowledge of people, language, culture, and traditions that are different from our own.
I have learned a bit this last week.
Did you know that February 10th was the start of the Chinese New Year?
If you were wondering, we are now in the year of the Snake.
Well, this past week we had a Chinese New Year celebration. It was actually pretty spectacular. The kids loved it. The staff loved it. (Which is not always the case with assemblies!) Our two Chinese teachers had worked hard to make it wonderful and it showed. They brought in a local Chinese dance team that did three different traditional Chinese dances...
the third graders played Chinese instruments...
while three dragons (made up of six third graders) did a traditional line dance,
and then came this...
Could you eat them up???
I could. Most of those little girls I know very well. I interpreted last year and the year before for a student who was in class with many of them. I was so proud. Beaming, actually. They were perfect.
And then it struck me.
“That looked so calming. And peaceful. And challenging. All rolled into one.”
I've done yoga before. Honestly, I dig a few of the poses, but most of it's not for me. This though... this looks like it's something I could get into. I think it will be.
I looked up the medical benefits of Tai Chi and has much to say on it, but this is how their explanation begins.
“This gentle form of exercise can prevent or ease many ills of aging and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life. Tai chi is often described as "meditation in motion," but it might well be called "medication in motion." There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health.”
I'm gonna try this. The astrological symbolism, spiritual leanings, and Chinese meditations are not for me, but I dig the idea of finding “the perfect activity for the rest of my life!” And let's face it, I'm not yet old, but I'm not getting any younger, the gray is coming in, I have my share of health issues, and I can get started even if I'm not in top shape. (Whew!)
Heehee :)
I'll let you know how it goes!